Lenten Preparation for a Knight of Columbus

Introduction As Knights of Columbus, our mission is to serve our community, deepen our faith, and support each other in our spiritual journeys. Lent, a season of preparation and reflection, offers us a unique opportunity to renew our dedication to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. This guide provides a comprehensive approach to preparing for Lent, incorporating spiritual practices, charitable works, and fraternal activities.

Spiritual Preparation

  1. Daily Prayer and Reflection:

    • Dedicate time each day for prayer and reflection. Utilize resources such as the Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary, and daily Mass readings to foster a deeper connection with God.

    • Establish a consistent routine for personal prayer and meditation.

  2. Sacrament of Reconciliation:

    • Regularly participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This sacrament offers a profound opportunity for spiritual cleansing and renewal.

    • Encourage fellow knights to attend communal penance services organized by your parish.

  3. Spiritual Reading:

    • Engage in spiritual reading to nourish your faith. Recommended texts include the Bible, writings of the saints, and encyclicals by the Pope.

    • Form a study group with other knights to discuss and reflect on these readings.

Charitable Works

  1. Service Projects:

    • Identify and engage in service projects that benefit the local community. Examples include food drives, clothing donations, and volunteering at shelters.

    • Organize specific Lenten service initiatives that involve all members of your council.

  2. Support for the Needy:

    • Reach out to those in need within your parish and community. Offer support, companionship, and assistance as needed.

    • Partner with local charities and organizations to maximize your impact.

  3. Fundraising Efforts:

    • Plan and execute fundraising events to support charitable causes. Consider events such as fish fries, pancake breakfasts, or bake sales.

    • Allocate funds raised to specific Lenten charities and projects.

Fraternal Activities

  1. Faith-sharing Meetings:

    • Organize regular faith-sharing meetings where knights can discuss their spiritual journeys and support one another.

    • Focus on topics related to Lent, such as fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

  2. Retreats and Workshops:

    • Plan and attend retreats and workshops that provide opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal.

    • Invite guest speakers to lead sessions on topics relevant to Lenten preparation.

  3. Family Involvement:

    • Encourage family participation in Lenten activities. Promote family prayer time, service projects, and parish events.

    • Provide resources and support for families to engage in Lenten practices together.

Conclusion As Knights of Columbus, our mission is to serve others and grow in our faith. Lent is a time for introspection, renewal, and recommitment to our core values. By following this preparation guide, we can ensure that we are spiritually and practically ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that Lent presents. Let us support one another and our community as we journey through this sacred season together.

Vivat Jesus!

Decorating the gym in preparation of the 2024 Council Christmas Party.

Sir Knights presented the Council’s Gibault Christmas gifts at the 4th Degree Christmas Party.

Message from the Grand Knight


Winter is here but the days will now be longer as we move past the Winter Solstice. Spring will be here before we know it! We continue to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ as we move through the Christmas season.  As we move past the Christmas season and this celebration, we draw closer to Lent. The following is a description of what our founder brought forth when his dream of building a Men’s group to help those in need was formed:

“Blessed Michael McGivney can give us a helping hand in our Lenten self-denial and spiritual growth. The help he offers is embedded in the very principles of charity, unity and fraternity upon which he built the Knights of Columbus.”

Before we know it the annual Knights of Columbus Fish Fries will be here as well as our Mother’s Day Flower sale, Port a Pit Chicken, Cluck and Oink and maybe a surprise or two as we move forward through 2025. The funds earned at these events go back to our parish, school and parish community.

Our council achieved a Triple Star award for 2023-2024. What is Triple Star? Our council is given a quota every year to increase our membership, and we were able to triple that quota. A wonderful achievement. We are currently working toward a Double Star for 2024-2025 and hope to reach the Triple Star level again.

If you are or know of any Catholic Gentlemen who attends mass regularly and is of good standing in the church, ask them to join our council. They can sign up online (easiest way) or by application. If you have any questions, please contact any council member. The link below highlights the benefits of being a Knight of Columbus! https://www.kofc.org/en/who-we-are/about-membership/benefits-of-membership.html

As Knights we are called to “To follow Christ”!

God Bless all of you. Be safe! Vivat Jesus! (Jesus Lives!)

Bruce Garwood, Grand Knight

Roundtable Becomes A New Council

The Saint Stanislaus Kostka Roundtable became Council 18574.

In recognition of the accomplishment our Council presented the Saint Stanislaus Kostka Council with a Join Us Banner for their recruiting efforts.

Salvation Army Kettle Day

On December 14th we had 20 Knights,4 Wives and 1 Daughter ringing the bells from 10am to 7pm where we raised $1,032.54 for the Salvation Army.

We had music and we sang carols . Bell Ringing is always a good community service “Fun-Raiser”.

Paul Aquino receives the Knight if the Year Award and Bonnie Gross receives he Lady  Knight of the Year Award at this year’s Christmas Party.

Grand Knight Bruce Garwood and Program Director John Wolfsier with the Council’s Triple Star Award. The Triple Star Award is a prestigious recognition given by the Knights of Columbus. It is awarded to councils that achieve 300 percent of their net membership goal and demonstrate exceptional commitment to council activities
